Frequently Asked Question

Which are ESWL (Lithotripter) manufacturing companies ?

To know which are ESWL manufacturing companies it is important to know the type of Lithotripters presently in the market.

There are basically two types of Lithotripters:

  • 1. Extracorporeal Lithotripter
  • 2. Intracorporeal Lithotripter

Extracorporeal Lithotripter which is called as ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock wave Lithotripter). This is a large equipment comprising of a patient positioning treatment table and a shock wave source. It fragments stones formed inside the body without any intervention.You can have more details on this in other FAQ,s on this site

Intracorporeal shock wave lithotripter is comparatively a much smaller device and comprises of a contact probe that is pushed inside the body either through a hole made on the body or through the urethra. The probe which enters the body is solid and fragments the stone with contact. It is driven with air pressure or ultrasonically

Extracorporeal Shock wave Lithotripter

As we are talking about ESWL on this FAQ we would like to stick to it.

ESWL basically is a simple device and the principle of manufacture is simple. Create high voltage - store it and discharge it under water to focus the energy on a stone. To know more how an ESWL works please click here.... But this simple model may only be used in a laboratory and not on a patient as many safety parameters are to be considered and as it is a therapeutic equipment the results have to be optimized to be the best in a best possible way.

There are many manufacturers through-out the world but only a few are making effective and good Lithotripters. Many X-Ray equipment manufacturers have taken up to manufacture ESWL equipment. As a X-ray machine also works on producing high voltage the X-ray equipment manufacturers started manufacturing ESWL equipment too, but sadly these equipment have very little reorganization as these were basically laboratory models and lacked the effectiveness required to give the therapeutic benefit to the patient. Many such manufacturers have now stopped manufacturing, This is Sad for many hopeful customers that are left without a service backup and now having no option but to discard these ESWL equipment.

TMC Europa Ltd. is exclusively a therapeutic medical equipment manufacturing company and ESWL is one of it's major products. Hundreds of TMC equipment have been installed the world over, Over 1.3 million treatments have been carried out on TMC systems. Not only effectively but painlessly too. And not forgetting that TMC ESWL's were the first in the world to offer painless Lithotripsy. A walk-in and walk-out treatment protocol.

Your search for a reliable supplier of ESWL equipment ends here us the following links to get more information:

TAGS: eswl
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These FAQs may not be considered as a medical advise. Please talk to your doctor who is the best judge of your condition. For more information Click here..